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Is your air conditioner making a funny noise? Are your electric bills more expensive than they use to be? Have you had the same AC unit for more than 10 years?

These are but a few of the questions to ask when deciding on whether or not it’s time to upgrade your current air conditioning system to a newer, more efficient system.

No one wants to have to replace an air conditioning system, but in the long run, it can save you from headaches, high utility bills, and even save you from being without air conditioning in the hottest part of Texas summers.

Getting on in Years

The first thing you might consider when evaluating your current air conditioning unit is how old it is. After all, years of use always eventually lead to wear and tear. A central air conditioning system can typically last 15-20 years if properly maintained and routinely serviced. However, the 10-year mark is when you should give your AC unit a closer look.

Even if your older AC system seems to be working fine, the wear from its age means it must work harder to keep your home cool. That means it consumes more energy and is less effective at cooling, leaving you with a costly electric bill. At that point, it could be worth looking into some of the newer energy conscientious air conditioning models on the market today. Speaking of trying to save money…

Pricey Electric Bills

Aside from the initial price of purchasing and installing, along with general maintenance and repairs, the real costs of HVAC systems come in the form of monthly utility payments.

So, if your electric bill is through the roof, even despite making conscious choices to save energy (such as turning off lights in unused rooms, etc.), it might be time to consider an AC system upgrade.

Older AC units are typically less energy-friendly than newer models. Additionally, older AC units must use more energy to compensate for the wear and tear caused by years of use. Years of use mean faultier parts, which often need future repairs. Costs for frequent repairs and expensive electric bills can quickly add up.

If you notice a substantial increase to your monthly electric bills and also have an older AC unit, a newer, more energy-efficient AC model might help relieve some of that financial strain.

Inconsistently Hot n’ Cold

This one’s pretty simple – if you notice that your AC system has a difficult time regulating the temperature in your home, it might be time for an upgrade. When it’s mid-summer and 90 degrees inside your home, it’s clear that something is wrong with the AC.

Being from East Texas, we know how brutal the summertime heat can be. However, sometimes the temperature fluctuation caused by an AC unit not functioning properly can be more subtle.

Despite being set to the same temperature 24/7, a faulty AC system may still cause inside of the home to be warmer during the day and cold at night. If you invest money into having an air conditioning unit, you want to make sure it’s properly doing the job you need it to do!

High Humidity

At East Texas Refrigeration, we know firsthand how miserable the humidity can be during the summer months; there’s nothing better than escaping the hot, muggy outdoors to go inside a crisp, cool airconditioned room. That’s why it’s important to make sure your AC system is keeping your home at the appropriate humidity level.

High humidity levels can cause a whole slew of issues inside your home, from mold growth to wood damages. A properly working AC system should maintain a healthy humidity level to keep your home crisp and cool and not hot and muggy.

Poor Air Quality

If you don’t have any air quality testers in your home, it’s time to get one!

Because airborne particles, such as mold, gas leaks, and radon, are mostly invisible to the eye, they are a substantial silent threat to the respiratory health of anyone inside the home. Even if the airborne particles are not dangerous, like dust in a poorly circulated room, it’s still dangerous to be breathing in.

A properly working AC unit can help keep the air quality in your home clean and safe by keeping the air well ventilated. If you notice a decline in air quality, a faulty AC unit can sometimes be the culprit.

It’s Making a Funny Noise

If you ever walk past a vent in your home and think, “…What is that strange sound?” it might be time to upgrade your air conditioning system.

Because air conditioning systems must consistently do so much work, it’s only natural that they eventually wear down over time and must be repaired. Sometimes the only indicator we have of that is it might be making an unusual noise. If you have a newer AC unit, to get the most use out of it, it’s vital to do the necessary diagnostics and maintenance that it will need over time.

Is it time for you to upgrade your air conditioning system, or can you get a few more years of use? There are serval factors to consider, and hopefully, after reading this list, you feel a bit more equipped to make that decision. If you have any other air conditioning or HVAC inquiries, give us call at East Texas Refrigeration in Tyler, TX! We have money-saving plans, easy financing options, and will help you make the best decision for your home’s HVAC system.